Our Story

Here are some concerning facts about water resources on earth:

Drinking water is not in infinite supply on earth. It is in fact a fast-depleting resource and a cause for global concern.

Earth is 71% water of which 97.5% is salt water and only the remaining 2.5% is fresh.

Only 1% of all available freshwater sources is accessible and considerably exploited.

844 million people across the planet lack access to a basic drinking water source, either due to decreased water availability or contamination

More than 50% of the planet's 37 largest aquifers are being depleted due to climate change and population growth

Global warming is causing glaciers to melt causing sea levels to rise. The saline water flooding inland contaminates the delicate freshwater resources

Warmer climate is causing more water to evaporate from water bodies. 7% more water evaporates for every 1 degree rise in temperature.

Finding renewable resources of water

Air is a renewable resource of water. It is possible to harness water vapour in the air to create water without exploiting this delicate balance of surface water on earth. At any given point of time, there are 37.5 million-billion gallons of water in the atmosphere making it the most abundant source of fresh water. Only 1% of this atmospheric water can fulfil our global water needs.

Here is where the 'air to water' technology plays a vital part in easing the global demands for fresh water by tapping into this virtually unused source of water in the air. The perfect answer to the water crisis on earth and poor water quality is ‘up in the air’.

Ària LifeWater and Sustainability goals

At Ària LifeWater, we are on a mission to ease the world's dependence on scarce water resources by providing water on a sustainable basis.

Providing sustainable water means the ability to meet the present water needs of the world without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same. This requires sustainable water management - a multidisciplinary and holistic approach in which technical, environmental, economic, societal and cultural issues are addressed. This also necessitates effective and holistic management of water resources.

Our mission addresses the 3 most important P's - People, Planet and Prosperity! Our innovative sustainable water technology is the perfect solution to meet the current and future water needs of the people, without causing any further damage to the delicate balance of the current water resources on our planet, ensuring continuing life, prosperity and abundance on Earth.

Ària LifeWater's sustainable water goal is simply stated as - 'To raise Earth's water table - one bottle at a time'!

Our sustainability efforts to meet this goal include:

Use of 'Air to water' technology - A completely sustainable technology that produces 100% pure, microbe-free potable water from the water vapour present in the air. The water generated meets the WHO and Indian BIS standards and guidelines for potable water.

Zero depletion of water on earth While other bottled waters are filled from sources that deplete ground water resulting in reduced water for other uses such as farming leading to land subsidence and growing water quality concerns, increased global warming etc., Ària LifeWater does not utilize or compromise any of the existing ground water sources.

No water is wasted in Ària LifeWater’s - While conventional RO processes waste 70% of water during purification, no water is wasted in Ària LifeWater’s 4-step purification process, ensuring the purity and safety of the water for consumption.

Conservation of other energy resources - During the production process, the air exhaust from the water generators is redirected and utilized to cool and air condition the bottling plant resulting in tremendous conservation and saving of electrical energy.

We believe - "Our Earth has the capacity to reset and rejuvenate the groundwater levels, if extraction is reduced. Every drop of Ària LifeWater produced will result in two drops preserved in the ground!” We are committed to supporting earth's rejuvenation process, while helping meet people's need to be healthily hydrated, today and tomorrow.

Ària LifeWater and Sustainability goals

At Ària LifeWater, we are on a mission to ease the world's dependence on scarce water resources by providing water on a sustainable basis.

Providing sustainable water means the ability to meet the present water needs of the world without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same. This requires sustainable water management - a multidisciplinary and holistic approach in which technical, environmental, economic, societal and cultural issues are addressed. This also necessitates effective and holistic management of water resources.

Our mission addresses the 3 most important P's - People, Planet and Prosperity! Our innovative sustainable water technology is the perfect solution to meet the current and future water needs of the people, without causing any further damage to the delicate balance of the current water resources on our planet, ensuring continuing life, prosperity and abundance on Earth.

Ària LifeWater's sustainable water goal is simply stated as - 'To raise Earth's water table - one bottle at a time'!

Our sustainability efforts to meet this goal include:

Use of 'Air to water' technology - A completely sustainable technology that produces 100% pure, microbe-free potable water from the water vapour present in the air. The water generated meets the WHO and Indian BIS standards and guidelines for potable water.

Zero depletion of water on earth While other bottled waters are filled from sources that deplete ground water resulting in reduced water for other uses such as farming leading to land subsidence and growing water quality concerns, increased global warming etc., Ària LifeWater does not utilize or compromise any of the existing ground water sources.

No water is wasted in Ària LifeWater’s - While conventional RO processes waste 70% of water during purification, no water is wasted in Ària LifeWater’s 4-step purification process, ensuring the purity and safety of the water for consumption.

Conservation of other energy resources - During the production process, the air exhaust from the water generators is redirected and utilized to cool and air condition the bottling plant resulting in tremendous conservation and saving of electrical energy.

We believe - "Our Earth has the capacity to reset and rejuvenate the groundwater levels, if extraction is reduced. Every drop of Ària LifeWater produced will result in two drops preserved in the ground!” We are committed to supporting earth's rejuvenation process, while helping meet people's need to be healthily hydrated, today and tomorrow.